A create a certificate signing request (CSR) is a hash file containing information about your domain, including the domain name, company, etc. When purchasing a SSL certificate, the CSR tells the Certificate Authority what domain to issue the certificate for. For more information on the "fmsadmin certificate" command, run "fmsadmin help

Some servers, including Apache and NGINX servers, allow you to use the old CSR to renew your SSL certificate and install a new certificate without generating a new CSR, however, security best-practices suggest that you should generate a new private key and CSR when renewing your SSL cert. SSL Converter - Convert SSL Certificates to different formats Use this SSL Converter to convert SSL certificates to and from different formats such as pem, der, p7b, and pfx.Different platforms and devices require SSL certificates to be converted to different formats. For example, a Windows server exports and imports .pfx files … How to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to

What is a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)?

Dec 07, 2008

To obtain a commercial SSL certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), you must generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and send it to your CA for validation. The CSR is a block of encoded text with your contact data such as domain and company identity.

If you want to issue an OV or an EV SSL certificate, you must write the legal name of your organization. OU: Name of the department (e.g., Marketing Department) 4. CSR File Generated. Once you’ve entered the details, your CSR file named OpenSSL.csr will be generated.