Google, the NSA, and the need for locking down datacenter
Oct 31, 2013 Never Mind the NSA, What About Google and Facebook? Never Mind the NSA, What About Google and Facebook? Sheldon Whitehouse On 6/11/15 at 1:14 PM EDT The theme of Law Day this year at the National Security Agency (NSA)—"intelligence under the Google, Microsoft, others join in calling on NSA limits Google, Microsoft, others join in calling on NSA limits Congressional action to rein in NSA activity formally requested by leading tech companies Privacy group sues to get records about NSA-Google
Google, Microsoft, others join in calling on NSA limits Congressional action to rein in NSA activity formally requested by leading tech companies
The correspondence suggests a close relationship between the NSA and Google before former NSA contractor Edward Snowden ever leaked documents detailing the agency's online spying efforts. One of the two email chains describe a meeting between the NSA director and Google executives near an airport in San Jose, Calif. Google's true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research Dec 08, 2017
Google, Microsoft, others join in calling on NSA limits Congressional action to rein in NSA activity formally requested by leading tech companies
Oct 30, 2013 NSA and Google are partnering up - YouTube